Make your own Advertisement in any medium, and identify all the elements in it using arrows.
So...I made this...out of boredom.
Well, Actually I was supposed to make a Wanted poster. coz, It's still an advertisement. But, after I tried to draw Kuya Perkin, well, it didn't work out well. I can't draw that good. :/
So this was the photo I found on
And this is me editing the photo.
I was thinkin' about just printing this one and passing it directly to her, but everybody drew their own advertisement. And even if I present Arch. Pilones with evidence that I really made it. Google it, you won't find a brand like Lolickee, but, I figured, I'd get a higher chance of getting 100 if I drew it. So, I just printed out a gray scaled version of my ad, and am gonna copy it on a sketch paper I cut earlier.

Anyway, wish me luck on not sabotaging my lil' ad. It's supposed to be simpler coz, it's not a face, but, I hope the outcome's good, and presentable.

Anyway, that's all for now.
I'm actually tryin' to study. And, DUH, I can't. I don't know how, that's why.
I don't really study. I just listen to whatever the teachers' preachin'. And of course, if you're a boring teacher, I don't listen.
I'm actually just trying to absorb all the info in our hand outs by outlining everything. I hope it's working. They did say rewriting (i.e. if I'm writing), helps you absorb the lessons. Well, whatever. I'm just gonna comntinue with my work now. And wish me luck. :]

I still don't have a laptop, but hopefully I get one ASAP. 


NP: Lightning-Alex Goot [on replay]
Just bought 2 books; one in French, the other ab

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2012

