
OFW successful UM Alumnus      -
Wife                                           -
Son                                            -
the Son's undecided classmate    -


Scene 1: OFW successful UM Alumnus calls his Wife

OFW                        (calls his wife)

                  [SFX: Phone Ringtone]

Xaviery                    (Lounging) [CP on the chair, behind him]

Wife                        (looking for her phone)
                               Where is my phone?!
                               Xaviery, have you seen it?
                               (continues roaming around for a couple seconds)

Xaviery                    Nup

OFW                       (waiting impatiently)

Wife                        (finally finds her phone behind Xaviery)
                               (eyes Xaviery)
Xaviery                    (pops out peace hand sign while smiling)
Wife                        (answers cellphone)
Xaviery                    (exits)
OFW                        Hello Ga? What took you so long to answer the phone?

Wife                        (sits on the chair where Xaviery sat)

OFW                        Ahahahaha, you ha~

Wife                        lol, it was your son, he hid the phone.

OFW                        Oh. (disappointed)
                               Well, how are you two there Ga?
Wife                        We’re fine here Ga.
                               Junior’s really excited for college. He really wanted to enroll right away.
OFW                        Of course Ga, who wouldn’t be excited to study at UM?

Wife                        You’re right Ga. UM really strives to accomplish their mission.

OFW                        HAHAHA,

Wife                        (takes out a copy of the mission) [was on the chair]

Together                 To provide a dynamic and supportive academic environment through the
                               Highest standard of instruction, research, and extension service in a non-sectarian
                               institution committed to democratizing access to education.
OFW                        Hahaha, you continue to amaze me Ga.

Wife                        You do too Ga.

OFW                        I am a really proud UMian(?).

Wife                        Obviously Ga.

OFW        `               Anyway, what you said was true. UM really provides a dynamic and supportive
                                academic environment for their students. I am a living proof to that.

Wife                        We  know that Ga. UM really is the best university for anybody. And by everybody, I do 
                               mean EVERYBODY.

OFW                        Lol. Okay, I gotta go now Ga, My break’s over. Gotta earn money for you two now. I
                                love you both Ga.

Wife                        We love you too Ga.

                                [Hung’s up]

                                [end of scene 1]

Scene 2: Son[Xaviery] and Friend[Mel] bumps into each other @ the Mall

Xaviery                    (roaming around)

Mel                          (Checkin’ out something)

Xaviery                    (Sees Mel, goes up to her, pokes Mel)

Mel                          (startled)
                               (realizes it was Xaviery, shocked, happy)

Xaviery                     (smiling)

Mel                          Xaviery! Wow, why are you here?

Xaviery                    Well, I’m actually just lookin’ around, you?

Mel                          I’m just waiting for my friends. How are you?

Xaviery                    I’m great. How ARE you?

Mel                          I’m fine. (smiles)

Xaviery                    So, have you enrolled yet?

Mel                          Actually, I haven’t. We’re havin’ a little problem (hesitates) well, financially…hehe

 Xaviery                    Really? Have you tried UM? They’re very affordable. Only less 2k, and you’re enrolled!
                                Also, their tuition fees are cheap. The whole enrollment process is actually super quick
                                and easy, you don’t even have to take an entrance exam!

Mel                          Wow, you enrolled there didn’t you?

Xaviery                    Yep.  Also they got great standards, and they commit themselves to provide a dynamic 
                               and supportive academic environment through the highest standards of instruction,
                               research, and extension service, and democratizing access to education with cheap
                               tuition fees, and not having an entrance exam.

Mel                          Wow, you really did your homework.

Xavier                      Nah, it’s just my dad. He’s an alumnus of UM

Mel                          Wow. Well, Thank you for your information. And you’re right, I should really check out 
                               UM. My parents will love this good news. Thank you.

Xavier                      hey, you’re very welcome.

                                [end of scene]

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6/16/2012 04:18:49 pm

ok na yan.. haha.. practice tayo bukas.

6/17/2012 07:12:58 am

ty~ ^^
ikaw lang jud ang nag check da...:/


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